Our issues are in our tissues. This phrase commonly used by bodyworkers, refers to the physical toll that emotional stress and trauma can have on our bodies. Experiences and feelings can actually become part of our physiology, keeping us from fully processing difficult experiences and moving on. Fortunately, massage and bodywork can help dislodge and process stored and often hidden grief and pain, resulting in emotional release and the ability to let go of anxiety and sorrow.

Each time we are touched, the emotions related to that touch are stored in our mind and in our body's tissues. We not only store the emotions of pleasure and happiness, but also stress and fear. These stored experiences show up in bad posture, aches and pains or, when we're fortunate, healthy, functioning muscles and joints. Just as it takes the use of more muscles to frown than to smile, the effort it takes to tuck away experiences or feelings we'd rather forget can cause fatigue and painful tension.

When you receive a massage, the muscles and tissues release on an emotional level in much the same way they release physical tension. This letting go manifests in many forms - an audible sigh, laughter, muscle twitching or even tears. In the safe, nurturing space of a therapy room, people are able to let down their defenses, making these kinds of emotional releases a common occurrence.

Remember that emotional release during bodywork is not unusual and is actually a natural and beneficial part of the cleansing, rejuvenating process of massage. You may choose to continue the massage, or request the therapist work more slowly or only on certain areas. But if you decide not to go on, that's okay, too.

Massage is a healing touch that relaxes and releases. Welcome that release, accept it as your body's way of finding balance and leading you to a higher state of health, both emotionally and physically. If you find yourself on the massage table laughing or crying, you are in a true state of body-mind connection. Go with the experience. Relax, breathe deeply and allow your body and mind to free itself of the past.

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