Scheduling Your Appointment

Select a time and day that you will not be extremely rushed upon arrival or departure.  This is important time that you have set aside to for yourself ~ because you deserve it!


When You Arrive

All new clients will complete an information form.  This will provide insight regarding your primary complaint, current health, lifestyle and medical history which will allow me to focus on the appropriate direction of your session.

Your Massage Session

I will review your information form prior to your session.  After all your questions are answered and a review of your needs are assessed; you will disrobe to your comfort level in privacy and relax on the massage table.  When you are ready I will re-enter the room and we will begin your session. The typical full-body massage includes work on your back, glutes, legs, feet, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and scalp. I maintain a high level of respect for all clients, only uncovering the areas being worked on.


Please note: You have the right to open communication during the massage.  Please let me know if the pressure needs to be adjusted for your comfort level.


What To Expect After Your Massage

Depending on the kind of massage you receive, and your current state of health, your body may feel a variety of different things. You might feel completely relaxed or you could feel quite fatigued. You many even experience some soreness the next day or so. It is highly recommended that after any massage/bodywork session that you drink plenty of water. Massage loosens many toxins as well as lactic acid in your body, and the added water will help with proper elimination and flushing out your system.


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